Francesca Rubino - INNEDE EDITION

Francesca Rubino


Servizi di traduzione italiano-inglese

Certificato di Inglese di Livello C2 (materie studiate: Business World, Travel and Tourism, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge Skills for Life)

02/11/2009 – 31/10/2012

Laurea in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica (Lingue: Tedesco / Inglese presso la Scuola Superiore Mediatori Linguistici (SSML) Pisa  votazione 108 / 110

Studio approfondito dell’Inglese, del Tedesco e rudimenti di Cinese. Studio di settori scientifici come il Marketing, l’ Economia Aziendale e le piccole e medie imprese.

Certificato di Inglese di Livello C2 (materie studiate: Business World, Travel and Tourism, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge Skills for Life)02/11/2009 – 31/10/2012Laurea in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica (Lingue: Tedesco / Inglese presso la Scuola Superiore Mediatori Linguistici (SSML) Pisa  votazione 108 / 110

2004 – 02 / 07/ 2009

Diploma al Liceo “ Linguistico della Musica e delle Arti”  Antonio Pesenti, Cascina Pisa

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vedi qui

All that we say talks about us, especially when we talk about other people. How many times have our eyes met like the wind under a bird’s wings, full of invitation, hopes and silences, how many things they said to each other, perhaps a lot of words above all, all the phrases that our lips have had the courage to pronounce.We always must to have confidence in ourselves, we can’t stop believing in our skills, in our strength and in our intuition in recognising who is like us. Even when it seems that our life is going under, even when it is already underwater. Perhaps we are not aware of it yet, but all our treasures are hidden down, in the depths of our soul, this shelter is often our hearth. Even our body sends us some signals and shouts so that we can listen to it and take care of it. Obstacles known as misunderstandings have always existed exactly as bright signals simply known as friends exist. Huge lights that shine in our home and give us a sense of safety, all of us crave and look for them, hence we are talking about family. In life everything can be concluded, provided we always bring with us reserves made of decisions.An other important drive nobody can do without it is the much-coveted love. If, however, we wish to overdo, we should get a rich-in-faith guarantee and the most enlightened people of us will have spirituality as our discipline. If, on the contrary, we wish to live a life without emotional risks, we must focus on quality, by using our more plentiful fuel, and if lately our behaviour patterns have not changed, it should be called patience. If I had to give you an advice, I would tell you not to be frightened by other opinions because only narrow-minded people seek for consents, face risks and do what you desire the most. When we get into our homes, and some of relatives are present, we try not to show our uneasiness. Therefore, unconsciously, we have learnt to play a role, to pretend and above all to imitate the neighbour. We imitate the idea of a wife we have in mind, we imitate friends, lovers and happy people.

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